Educational Digital Asset Management

Whether you are using OERs or proprietary resources built by you or for you, your academic institution needs a well designed asset centre with lots of AI features.

Why Do They Matter?

Educational Digital Asset Centre idea is not new but why is it suddenly a thing?

Interactive Assets

Modern and post Covid education uses lots of immersive and interactive programs which depend on tools, videos, audio, and games.

Assets of any Kind

Educational assets are not limited to interactive ones and a piece of text, a question, an explainers or in fact any item could have educational value.

Time and Effort

Educators spend a great deal of time ad effort to collect or write and build these assets. It is vital to preserve them for ease of discovery and re-use.

AI powered with a little help from you!

1. point and import

ell it where your contents areFaHandPointLeft

2. organize and enrich

troweb organizes and finds hidden objects

3. semantic search and chat

search as you talk

Want to Know How We Built an EDAM for ePUB3 Publishing House?

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