The Power of LLMs in Learning a New Language



In this rapidly evolving era, learning and fluently using a new language is becoming easier and less challenging. Thanks to modern technologies such as Large Language Models (LLMs), Machine Learning, Mixed Reality, and others, this process can now be accomplished with minimal obstacles and almost in real time.


In the past, learning a new language other than English typically required attending classes, purchasing books, and consulting numerous references. This was a time-consuming and often costly endeavor. However, with today's technological advancements, the process has become much more accessible. Students are no longer obligated to pay large fees to institutions or invest significant amounts of time and effort.


Despite these technological advancements, it is essential to remember that human interaction remains a key factor in effectively learning and using a new language. No matter how advanced the technologies that simplify this process become, ultimately, we need to communicate with other people.


As we discuss the impact of these technologies, it's important to address a common misunderstanding about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (LLM). Many people mistakenly equate these technologies with robots or general AI. This article will not delve into the precise nomenclature of these technologies, as it is premature to consider the current systems as full-fledged Artificial Intelligence. We should wait for future developments to provide a clearer definition.


Learning German (The Experience)

To illustrate these points, let's delve into the experience of learning German, often considered one of the most challenging languages in the world, requires meticulous attention to detail. Every single element—whether a noun, verb, or sentence—follows specific rules, akin to a mathematical equation, even for beginners at the A1/A2 level. While these complexities can make the language daunting, they also add a layer of enjoyment to the learning process. Interestingly, it can be both amusing and frustrating when native speakers break these rules.


One significant complication in learning German is the vast repertoire of vocabulary that must be memorized. In this language, verb conjugations play a crucial role. It is essential to understand and internalize the various verb forms and conjugations. Regular practice and the use of appropriate resources can greatly facilitate mastering these fundamental language components.


Learning verb conjugations presents a significant challenge for many language learners. The diversity and complexity of verbal forms across different tenses, moods, and persons can quickly become overwhelming. Irregular verbs, which deviate from the usual rules of conjugation, often cause additional difficulties. Since conjugation patterns vary significantly between different languages, the process becomes even more complicated. Learners often repeat common mistakes or confuse conjugated forms. A solid understanding and consistent practice are essential for successfully overcoming these hurdles.


How LLMs Improve Language Learning?

Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-3 are powerful tools that can significantly enhance language learning in various ways. They can generate personalized learning content tailored to the individual needs of learners by offering customized exercises and practice tasks. Additionally, LLMs enable interactive conversation exercises, which promote understanding and application of the language in real-world contexts. They provide detailed explanations of grammatical rules, including verb conjugations, and can correct common mistakes in real time.


Thanks to their ability to process and analyze large volumes of text, LLMs can also convey cultural and linguistic nuances that deepen language comprehension. Overall, LLMs make language learning more efficient, interactive, and engaging. However, despite their significance and utility, LLMs and GPTs are not without flaws. They are prone to errors or, more precisely, hallucinations.


To address this issue, integrating custom data as tokens into these models can significantly increase the accuracy and clarity of their responses. By doing so, learners can benefit from more precise and reliable language assistance, further enhancing the language-learning experience.


Using Knowledge Management Systems

Numerous providers on the internet offer custom GPT services, and many Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) providers have already integrated GPT and RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) services within their applications to offer users an interactive chat experience. KMS is an ideal solution for users who wish to provide their data and use it to train a unique GPT model, enabling the generation of an infinite amount of new content such as quizzes, questions, exams, and courses.


German Language Basics

As mentioned in previous sections, the German language is quite complex. In this section, necessary context and foundational knowledge will be provided for German language students.


First, let's start with verb conjugation, an essential aspect of learning German. Knowing the pronouns is crucial. In English, the main pronouns are (I, you, he/she/it, we, they), which are relatively straightforward compared to their German counterparts (Ich, Du, er/sie/es, wir, ihr, sie/Sie). This complexity makes verb conjugation in German more challenging to memorize. Unlike English, which has a simpler conjugation method, German requires different conjugations for each pronoun.


For example, in English, for the third person singular, you simply add an (s) to the end of the verb, like "make" becoming "makes." German, however, has different forms for each pronoun and perspective, and sometimes the verb conjugation varies depending on the verb's regularity. For instance, the verb "bilden," which translates to "to make" in English, conjugates to "bildet" for the third person singular. This pattern applies to all verbs, each having its unique conjugation form.


Here is a conjugation table for the verb "bilden" and a comparison with English:




Given how challenging it is to memorize nearly 70 percent of German verbs and their conjugations, the importance of having robust resources and regular practice becomes even more vital. These tools can significantly aid in mastering the nuances of verb usage in the German language.


Making use of a knowledge management system

German learners often find themselves searching for resources like "All German Verbs PDF" or, for more advanced students, "Alle deutschen starken Verben PDF" to get a concise list of verbs. While resources like Duden—one of the most renowned publishers for dictionaries and "Rechtschreibung" (orthography) books—and Verbformen provide extensive information on German verbs, words, and grammatical structures, compiling and organizing notes from these can be time-consuming.


Using troweb KMS as a data source and training material can streamline this process. As mentioned earlier, troweb's impressive importer feature allows users to quickly upload a variety of file types, including PDFs, images, and documents (e.g., DOCX). This functionality helps users easily import and structure their data.


By using data such as handwritten German notes and verb conjugation PDFs to train and fine-tune the KMS, one can create a comprehensive knowledge base. This allows the chat features to function as a tutor or a private teacher accessible at any time.


One personal strategy I enjoy with KMS services is providing my raw data, such as handwritten notes, as the base for the service. I then create schemas and manually fine-tune this raw data to achieve the best results. This customization ensures that the training materials are tailored to my specific learning needs, allowing for an optimized educational experience.


Practicing German with LLMs

While mastering a new language generally requires a lot of human interaction, practicing and studying using Large Language Models (LLMs) can be more efficient and intuitive. What I’m about to share is my experience in studying verb conjugations using LLMs, as well as utilizing these tools as a private tutor to evaluate my knowledge without spending endless hours searching for resources.


The quality of the studying experience largely depends on the data and the extent of custom-tailored and fine-tuned information the LLMs possess. Similar to the saying "the more, the merrier," this principle applies to data quantity, but with the added importance of quality. The quality of the data has a significant impact on how effectively the LLM will respond. For this example, I prepared and downloaded valuable data from the Verbformen website. This included verb definitions and their conjugation PDFs, such as the "abfahren conjugation PDF ." I imported this data into the knowledge base, ensuring that the information was as accurate and comprehensive as possible.




By utilizing high-quality resources from a reliable website like Verbformen, I was able to create a robust and precise dataset. This data served as the foundation for training the custom GPT model. Importing these resources into troweb's Knowledge Management System (KMS) involved collecting various verb conjugations, definitions, and usage examples to provide the model with a rich database to draw from. Simply by uploading all of the downloaded data to the troweb importer, it automatically reads, processes, indexes, and creates the data in my troweb organization to prepare the knowledge for the chat section.






 After the import and indexing process, I asked my LLM to provide me with some verbs to conjugate and then to ask me fill-in-the-blank questions to ensure that I had learned and memorized the verbs.

Here's an example interaction:

Question: `You are my German private teacher and I want to learn three random German verbs can you first provide these verbs and conjugate them accordingly and then afterwards ask some fill in the blank's questions using these verbs and at the end give me a score.








After the model responded with tables, providing the conjugations for the chosen verbs, it was time for the next step: creating a quiz to test my understanding of these verb conjugations.

The model crafted a series of fill-in-the-blank questions based on the conjugated forms of the verbs provided. Each question was designed to challenge my recall and application of the newly learned conjugations in various sentence structures. This interactive and dynamic approach reinforced my learning and allowed me to practice in a context that mimicked actual language use.




After submitting my quiz results, the model proceeded to rate my answers. Here's how it went. I intentionally made some mistakes to evaluate the model's capability in assessing my responses accurately and providing constructive feedback.

The model analyzed each answer, comparing my responses against the correct conjugations it had previously provided.


The feedback was detailed and specific. For each mistake, the model not only corrected the error but also explained why the answer was incorrect. It highlighted the importance of subject-verb agreement and the proper use of conjugation based on the subject pronoun. This level of detail ensured that I understood the underlying grammatical rules and patterns, which is crucial for mastering a new language.


The model also provided a comprehensive score at the end of the assessment, summarizing my overall performance, giving me a clear picture of my proficiency and areas that needed improvement.

This process of submitting answers, receiving immediate and detailed feedback, and understanding the corrections was invaluable. It demonstrated the model’s capability to evaluate answers effectively and provide educational insights that a human tutor would offer.


Moreover, the experience reassured me that the model could serve as a reliable learning companion, capable of not only quizzing me but also enhancing my understanding of German grammar through an iterative learning process.





Conclusion: How LLMs and KMS Transform Learning

In conclusion, having a well-prepared knowledge base was crucial in transforming the LLM into a reliable and effective learning tool. The accuracy and depth of the imported data ensured that the model could correctly assess my quiz answers, provide detailed feedback, and offer additional exercises tailored to my learning needs. This setup made my study sessions more productive and meaningful, ultimately facilitating a higher level of proficiency in German.


• (n.d.). Konjugation der Verben sourced from Netzverb ( and is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.

• troweb App: